Enhance Systems

Tech Tip – Keep ChatGPT Conversations Going While Using Other Apps

You don’t need to stop your ChatGPT conversations just because you switch apps or lock your phone – there’s a handy feature to keep the chat flowing in the background. Here’s how it works:

How to:

– Open the ChatGPT app and tap the two-line menu button in the top-left corner.

– Press your account name at the bottom of the menu to access settings.

– Select ‘Voice’ and enable ‘Background Conversations’.

– Now, you can talk to ChatGPT while using other apps or even when your screen is locked.

– To disable this feature, simply turn off ‘Background Conversations’ from the same menu.


– On the same screen, you can customise the assistant’s voice. Tap ‘Voice’, scroll through options, and pick your favourite (e.g. Vale and Arbor are British ones).

– Hit Done to save your preferences.

This is perfect for multitasking, like asking questions while browsing or replying to messages on WhatsApp without pausing your conversation.
